Freelance For You

Sunday, July 30, 2006

July''s end

I seem to have lost the draft I started for July 30, so here goes another try. Wonderful rain here last night and the night before bringing cooler days to our beautiful desert. But that has nothing to do with writing and that's what I'm all about.

My morning's e-mail brought a comunique from an friend from my long-ago membership in
California Press Women, saying she had a referred to my Website (from my business card she picked up from my a book signing/talk at the Tulare (CA) library in April) and from it had my Blog and wanted to tell me that she had found the info I last posted about Publish America very helpful as an aide to a writer friend. See how networking WORKS!!

Another e-mail from a writer website brought news of a publication searching for writers who can produce info on arthritis. A member of one of my workshops is doing such a book so I was able to forward the information to her. More networking.

A man in Boise Idaho found my name/address a book of biographies. He wrote with one simple question: "How do you get your mind in gear to start writing?" He says he is a probrammer for IBM on mainframe computers. I replied (snail mail, since he did not provide an e-mail # if he has one) in a one-page letter to the effect that so many ideas are waiting in my head to be written up that I just sit down at the computer, open the last file I was working on, and write.
In going back into an old file folder that held articles I'd written before I had a computer I found a couple of pieces that I can up-date as writer how-to's. I'll be doing that later today.

AND HERE'S A POSSIBLE MARKET for those of you who have tips on saving money. Editor Gary Foreman of The Dollar Stretcher--he just purchased my piece, "Shared Housing--Is It For You?--" asks for additional ideas on saving. 500-800 words. Pays about ten cents a word. Send your queries or articles to him at

That's it for my Sunday speal. Share you comments/ideas/markets with me and I will reciprocate.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


July 18, 2006
This morning I received an e-mail from Author Support at Publish America. This brought me a surprise. PublishAmerica, for those who do not know, is a P.O.D. publisher, (print on demand). When PubAm published my novel, SOMETHING'S LEAKING UPSTAIRS, in May 2005, it was something of a rush job as they had told me originally that six weeks was minimum to allow after all approvals had gone in. I needed the book by late May for a June tour in CA. They said it could be done. I ordered 200 copies and with that many got them for half price. They retail for $19.95 each. With S/H I still put out over $2000.

For those not familiar with this company, I was under no obligation to purchase a single copy. My only required expense with PubAm was $35 for the copyright that I had to get by sending a copy of the manuscript to the D.C. Copyright office and filling out proper forms. This is somewhat different from the self-publishing outfits that require money up front.

I did not like the cover, they provided. Their "staff artist" appears to be someone adept at assembling computer images into a collage that is acceptable to the author. I learned later that I could have provided the art myself and if I have it re-published-- and if they are willing--I will supply a different cover. I'm told by several self-published writers that "the cover sells the book." (My cover makes the book look like a manual on raising small farm animals. It is really a humorous novel about how a wife can get a husband to see things her way.) But, as I said above, time was of the essence.

In the two+ years since the book came out I have given 38 promo talks in a dozen CA, NV, AZ cities and had two radio interviews in support of my books. I have personally sold all but 25 copies of the original 200. Gave away about 30 to relatives and as thank-you gifts.

The news that came this morning from PubAm is that I can purchase 65 copies or more at a 45% discount and that PubAm will pay royalties on what I purchase, as well as what they sell from HQ or to book stores. Heretofore I received no royalties on books I purchased from them. I will see a royalty report in August (they issue reports twice a year) but unless something unusualhappened in sales out of HQ and in book stores, they have sold, so far, fewer than a dozen books. (Probably that cover wisdom is sound?) I ordered the 65 which should carry me through the duration of the book's life in my hands.

By contrast, my nonfiction book (with a charming comic cover) has sold more than 1500 copies--out of the publisher's office. I have purchased and sold about 50. This is JUST PENCIL ME IN--YOUR GUIDE TO MOVING & GETTING SETTLED AFTER 60. It is promoted in the Quill Driver Books/Word Dancer Press Catalog and this publisher has a very aggressive promo staff at the publishing HQ in Sanger, CA. The royalties they pay (whether I or others purchase the book) is 6 1/2%. I have had more total dollars from Quill Driver sales than from PubAm.

These are bits of information I hope will be helpful to those of you out there in Blog-land who may have a book ready to publish. All the rules and regulations for PublishAmerica can be found at and for Quill Driver Books at (The latter publishes only non-fiction. PubAm publishes both fiction and nonfiction.

If you have questions I may be able to answer, get back to me at --Willma

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Saturday, July 15

Saturday and time for a new entry. I discovered with snail mail received today (and receipt of the Professional Writers of Prescott newsletter) that a magazine for residents of Yavapai County (where I live) will publish in her monthly magazine a page for local authors. I have sent her information about me. Apparently she will promote writers books and appearances on that page. That is good news. I hope my credentials are ones she can use.

Beyond that I have been updating some old how-to articles written back before 1985 when I first joined the computer world. They have some sound advice that I can convert to modern times, and have just sent a query to a new on-line publication I learned of through another newsletter. Having belonged to a number of branches of California Writers Club in past years, I subscribe to their newsletters. Good information comes this way as well as contacts with old friends.

I haven't mentioned it earlier but hope to exchange marketing tips and other writer-ly information with others--so if you are of the writerly persuasion and have any comments for me or questions I may (make that MAY) be able to answer, I do want to hear from you. Thanks, and with special appreciation to my Blog Mentors, friend Lin Ennis and son, Alan Gore (no, relation to THE Al Gore) Willma Gore

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

july 12

Back at Blog site after a busy past few days. Suggestion to all writers and wantabes: Never forget that out there in publishing space there's a publication that can use WHAT YOU WRITE. I had a pet article that just won an honorable mention in a contest at ByLine Magazine. (ByLine never publishes winners as that would constitute use of first rights and editor Marcia Preston jealously guards the rights of freelancers. I had sent it once to Cat Fancy a year or so ago. No dice. But on the same page with Cat Fancy was Cats & Kittens. Never heard of it. From their guidelines, electronic submissions were not in order. I put the article into the post office on July 4, knowing it would not go out until the 5th. On the 7th I received an e-mail from the North Carolina editor and I live in Sedona AZ. That's the fastest I've ever had a reception from a paying market. The editor said "an agreement will go out in the mail today." The agreement arrived a couple of days ago. I signed and mailed it. No word as to when it will be published, but that's speed!
I am so new at this blogging business, I don't believe that I have indicated that I am happy to have responses, suggestions, questions at my e-mail:
Thanks in advance, Willma Gore

Sunday, July 09, 2006

finally back in blogdom

With my California book tour behind me and the appearance in Henderson, Nevada at the Anthem Writers group, I am re-working titles and content of short pieces to send out to market. Three sold this past week and a "want to see" came this week from one of my favorite editors in resoponse to a query.

My books:the adult how-to, Just Pencil Me In--Your Guide to Moving, and the humorous novel, Something's Leaking Upstairs are available at The Well Red Coyote Bookstore in Sedona, Arizona, and at Coalese Book Store in Morro Bay, California--as well as from publishers Quill Driver Books (800)497-4909 and
My next appearance will be in Prescott, AZ for the Professional Writers of Prescott(PWP)in August. My talk is generally titled, A LIFETIME OF WRITING FOR FUN, LOVE AND profit (the last word, deliberately lower case. I was a guest there at the late June meeting and have joined the organization. They have an excellent website with market listings and contests.
I continue to hold writing workshops in my home--a subjectI plan to expand on later as I feel they are the very best way we can help each other improve our writing. Every Thursday is workshop day here in my appartment with three running on 2nd and 4th Thursdays and one (a second pending) on lst and 3rd Thursdays.

I would enjoy sharing market listings and receiving suggestions. And although I will (I believe I can do it now) be adding to this blog with any news I can share with all of you, my entries will be short as I have "miles to write before I sleep."

Good writing to all, Willma Gore (