Freelance For You

Saturday, January 20, 2007


Hello, friends out there in Blogland. It has been so long since I posted a message, I'd almost forgotten how.

This will bring you up to date on some new happenings for me in the writing field. Patience and persistence pay. Although I swore I'd never put my work out there in cyberspace because I see so much good writing on the web that is not paid for nor even given a by-line. However, at the Well Red Coyote Bookstore a week ago we were given a handout from a local on-line editor of . He is Carl Jackson and seeks business, and feature stories and good digital pix relating to Sedona/Verde Valley up to Flagstaff. And he pays--very modest, but who said we freelancers are out to make a fortune? He took an article of mine that had been published a couple of months ago in Farm & Ranch Living and published the whole thing plus six pix of photographer friend, Lin Ennis. F&RL had published a greatly abreviated version and only one photo.

For months I have tried to find a buyer for my Sassy Senior Column. Carl wants it, will publish it twice a month and is glad to keep the title "Sassy Senior" but will add the word "Sedona" to make it more surely local. He will pay $20 per column and publish the names of my books with my brief bio each time.

My regrettable lack of posting writer messages on my Blog has been due to intensive work on my long distance grandparenting book, to be called (until the contracting editor changes it (?) "Wit & Wisdom From Long Distance Grandparents." I typed "the end" last week but there's still much to be done in reviewing, editing, cut and paste, etc. But I will get it in befor the Mar. 1 deadline.

The other news here is that I have had to juggle my two Thursday morning workshops so that we do not have too many in one group and too few in the other. Enough are amenable to this idea that all morning workshops will now meet at 10 a.m.; One on 1st and 3rd Thursdays; the other on 2nd and 4th Thursdays.

Snow today kept us from driving to Phoenix for my first attendance at the Phoenix Writers Club meeting. I plan to join. I wante especilly to hear the speaker--an ex-Random House executive, but two women out in the snow without chains and traveling over a snowly pass seemed not the better part of wisdom.

That's my "story" for today, Jan. 20, 2007. Happy New Year to all. --Willma