Freelance For You

Sunday, July 30, 2006

July''s end

I seem to have lost the draft I started for July 30, so here goes another try. Wonderful rain here last night and the night before bringing cooler days to our beautiful desert. But that has nothing to do with writing and that's what I'm all about.

My morning's e-mail brought a comunique from an friend from my long-ago membership in
California Press Women, saying she had a referred to my Website (from my business card she picked up from my a book signing/talk at the Tulare (CA) library in April) and from it had my Blog and wanted to tell me that she had found the info I last posted about Publish America very helpful as an aide to a writer friend. See how networking WORKS!!

Another e-mail from a writer website brought news of a publication searching for writers who can produce info on arthritis. A member of one of my workshops is doing such a book so I was able to forward the information to her. More networking.

A man in Boise Idaho found my name/address a book of biographies. He wrote with one simple question: "How do you get your mind in gear to start writing?" He says he is a probrammer for IBM on mainframe computers. I replied (snail mail, since he did not provide an e-mail # if he has one) in a one-page letter to the effect that so many ideas are waiting in my head to be written up that I just sit down at the computer, open the last file I was working on, and write.
In going back into an old file folder that held articles I'd written before I had a computer I found a couple of pieces that I can up-date as writer how-to's. I'll be doing that later today.

AND HERE'S A POSSIBLE MARKET for those of you who have tips on saving money. Editor Gary Foreman of The Dollar Stretcher--he just purchased my piece, "Shared Housing--Is It For You?--" asks for additional ideas on saving. 500-800 words. Pays about ten cents a word. Send your queries or articles to him at

That's it for my Sunday speal. Share you comments/ideas/markets with me and I will reciprocate.


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